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/ CICA 1995 February / CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (February 1995) (Disc 1).iso / disc1 / desktop / tlbar230.zip

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
DEMO.ZIP PKZip Archive 16 24KB 1993-10-03

Document (3)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
SCRSVRDL.WRI Windows Write Document 1 1KB 1994-07-19
TOOLBAR.HLP Windows Help File 111 81KB 1994-09-26
TOOLBAR.WRI Windows Write Document 45 147KB 1994-09-26

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 2 46b 1987-07-17
README Text File 40 1KB 1994-09-26
TOOLDLL.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 53 1KB 1994-08-06

Other Files (12)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
SCRSVRDL.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 3KB 1994-07-19
TOOLBA4.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 12KB 1994-08-17
TOOLBAC.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 4 20KB 1994-08-17
TOOLBAI.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 13KB 1994-08-17
TOOLBAM.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 11KB 1994-08-17
TOOLBAR.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 5 84KB 1994-08-17
TOOLBAS.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 12KB 1994-08-17
TOOLBAT.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 3 24KB 1994-08-17
TOOLBAV.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 10KB 1994-08-17
TOOLBAW.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 11KB 1994-08-17
TOOLBAX.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 11KB 1994-08-17
TOOLBAY.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 11KB 1994-08-17